Trudenga's Sweet After-Glow Maibee Moffat Maibee Montrose
Craigowl Dixon

Maibee The Stand In
Maibee Vanessa
Rytonion Spencer

Maibee Vienna of Craigowl
Trudenga's Soft Illusions Loranka's Patrick
CH Loranka's Celebration

Loranka's Stolen Moments
Christmas Taste of Candy
NUCH Sømaan's Air Born of Neilson
Sømaan's Sweet Princess O'Candy
Lazycroft's Little Lover SUCH Sperringgården Christopher Da Vinci Grantilley Sunset Harbour
Keyingham Christian

Grantilley Emerald Charm
SUCH Sperringården Cellese SUCH Homerbrent James Stewart
Sperringården Carsima
Lazycroft's Heavenly Fan SUCH Lacycroft's Rose Mullion
Toraylac Jonas
Amber the First Lady
Lazycroft's Nell My Fan - Tc
Jørsi's Just A Fan-Tc

Lazycroft's Heaven On Earth
















Född : 1.8.2012
Uppfödare : Anneli Olsson
Ägare : Anneli Olsson

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